Our Supply Chain

UMDA requires all of our direct suppliers to certify that raw materials incorporated into the product, comply with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in the country or countries in which they are doing business. Our company has a comprehensive supply chain auditing program which addresses the risks of human trafficking and slavery. Our audits are typically conducted internally, and at times, may be conducted by a third party. Third-party verification may be required of our suppliers if it is determined necessary by a self-assessment, industry, and geographic location. In addition, we reserve the right to conduct, independent, unannounced audits for vendors deemed "high-risk". These audits are conducted to evaluate compliance with our vendor conduct requirements, as well as applicable labor laws and regulations. If a nonconformance is found, we have a corrective actions process to resolve the nonconformance. If the nonconformance(s) persist, our company may cease to do business with the supplier. All members of our supply chain management team have received training on mitigating risks of human trafficking and slavery within our supply chain.